The Heart-Smile Research Institute was established in 2013 to study
Heart-Smile Training scientifically and make it more accessible to the public.
In the beginning, HST was called Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation. Ven. Misan Sunim introduced
the intensive practice of Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation in December 2011, and launched the
Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation Research Institute in January 2013 to develop the practice
consistently and further the study of its effects.
In July 2015, Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation was renamed Heart-Smile Meditation, and the institute
renamed the Heart-Smile Meditation Research Institute. In February 2017, HSM was renamed again
Heart-Smile Training, and the institute renamed Heart-Smile Research Institute. This was done to make
the practice more accessible to the general public, both domestic and international. In addition, the name
“Heart-Smile®” was registered at the Patent and Trademark Office in Korea as well as in America, Canada,
Europe, Japan and China.
At the Heart-Smile Research Institute, founder Ven. Misan Sunim and other researchers combine
their wisdom to collectively develop meditation techniques and programs. Beginning in 2014, scientific
research was begun to evaluate the effectiveness of HST through quantitative and qualitative
research methods.
As a result, the Heart-Smile Research Institute published two papers in 2016, reporting the findings of
its two years of research in major scholarly journals (indexed in KCI). It also presented these findings
on the positive effects of Heart-Smile Meditation at the 2016 International Symposium for
Contemplative Studies (ISCS) organized by the Mind & Life Institute.
Heart-Smile Research Institute will continue to maintain active interactions with international meditation
practitioners and researchers who participate in the integration of meditation and science, and will continue
to develop Heart-Smile Training to make it a more helpful medium for the healing and awakening of
global citizens.
Heart-Smile Training scientifically and make it more accessible to the public.
In the beginning, HST was called Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation. Ven. Misan Sunim introduced
the intensive practice of Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation in December 2011, and launched the
Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation Research Institute in January 2013 to develop the practice
consistently and further the study of its effects.
In July 2015, Loving-Kindness Smile Meditation was renamed Heart-Smile Meditation, and the institute
renamed the Heart-Smile Meditation Research Institute. In February 2017, HSM was renamed again
Heart-Smile Training, and the institute renamed Heart-Smile Research Institute. This was done to make
the practice more accessible to the general public, both domestic and international. In addition, the name
“Heart-Smile®” was registered at the Patent and Trademark Office in Korea as well as in America, Canada,
Europe, Japan and China.
At the Heart-Smile Research Institute, founder Ven. Misan Sunim and other researchers combine
their wisdom to collectively develop meditation techniques and programs. Beginning in 2014, scientific
research was begun to evaluate the effectiveness of HST through quantitative and qualitative
research methods.
As a result, the Heart-Smile Research Institute published two papers in 2016, reporting the findings of
its two years of research in major scholarly journals (indexed in KCI). It also presented these findings
on the positive effects of Heart-Smile Meditation at the 2016 International Symposium for
Contemplative Studies (ISCS) organized by the Mind & Life Institute.
Heart-Smile Research Institute will continue to maintain active interactions with international meditation
practitioners and researchers who participate in the integration of meditation and science, and will continue
to develop Heart-Smile Training to make it a more helpful medium for the healing and awakening of
global citizens.